Oak Tree Give Away and How To Plant an Oak

Jump ahead to instructions: How to Plant an Oak (And Why You Should)

On March 4th, 2023 Dr. Douglas Tallamy will be coming to Polk County, NC to inspire our community to get into action. Doug’s message: “We are Nature’s Best Hope!” and real change can happen by the simple things we do right in our yards. We invite you to learn more about this upcoming event, the Gardening For Life Celebration and our featured speaker, Doug Tallamy.

While Doug has lots to teach us all about being better stewards of the Earth, one message he really brings home is the value of oak trees. As one of the most important keystone species in the plant kingdom, oaks support more life forms and interactions than any other tree genus in North America, sustaining everything from acorn-collecting woodpeckers to caterpillars that dazzle like jewels.

The Gardening For Life Team got so excited about this news that we rounded up 500 baby Quercus alba (White Oak) saplings. These were procured from the NC Forest Service Tree Seedling Store. Our volunteers have been tending them in a nourished garden bed and will be bagging them up in preparation for March 4th. These little gems will be given away at the Gardening For Life Celebration on a first come first serve basis. While one tree can make a world of difference, just imagine what 500 can do!

How to Plant Your Little Tree?

So, what happens if you are one of the lucky folks who gets to take one home? Our good friends and Partners over at Conserving Carolina have posted a great article that answers that question. It is titled, How to Plant an Oak (and Why You Should) and is written by Maddie Mann, AmeriCorps Project Conserve Communications and Education Associate. Maddie does a great job describing the where, when and how to plant an oak tree and provides powerful reminders about their immense value in our natural world,

How to Plant an Oak (and Why You Should)

Tallamy Book Sales and Signing: Learn how you can purchase Tallamy’s book, The Nature of Oaks and other titles at our March 4th event. We’ll also have an author signing.


Tallamy Takes Center Stage in the Lanier Library Exhibit Case


Tallamy Book Sales and Signing at Gardening For Life Celebration